Shechinah Silks

Gallery of My Silk Creations

I have been painting tallitot, huppahs, and wall hangings for over 25 years. My favorite projects are Bar and Bat Mitzvah tallitot. I also lead silk painting workshops for individuals and groups. Rabbi Rayzel makes special occasion tallitot such as gifts for teachers and to celebrate special life cycle occasions, such as one presented to Pesha by her writing workshop students, seen below in the slideshow. You can also paint your own tallit with your own design.

Wendy Engel's Tallit
Tallit Created for Wendy Engel

I also make smaller items like altar cloths, shivitis, word mandalas, and shapes - requiring me to stretch my talents and master new techniques.

Spiritual Silk Painting Workshops

Images from a weeklong silk painting intensive with Seniors at Isabella Freedman where I led a workshop for 40 artists-becoming.

Silk Tallit Worshop at Isabella Freedman Center
Silk Tallit Workshop at Isabella Freedman Center


For more information, email me at

or call 215-237-2955